Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Some Tips on Turning Your Temp Job into a Permanent One

I have been following a blog recently called the Spherion Career Blog that gives some pretty good advice on what to expect when job searching. I always seem to find something useful to add on here from their blog. Well I came across one of their post that features a little Q&A from one of their writers named Seymour who gives monthly insider tips. The topic that was presented this time was turning your temp job into a permanent one.

Q: Dear Seymour, I am currently working as a temporary employee
at my company. My coworker (who was also working temporary) was just offered
her position permanently. How can I turn my temp job into a permanent

And here are tip that Seymour lists:

Confirm the opening. Ask your staffing employer or the HR contact at the organization where you are assigned if the position offers the possibility of permanent work. If it doesn't, you can still keep your eyes and ears open for other full-time job openings within your department or elsewhere within the organization.

Make your intentions known. It's important to share your intentions of securing full-time work with the company. Do your best to communicate your goal to coworkers and supervisors.
Exceed expectations in your temporary tasks. Remember, not only is a temp-to-perm assignment an opportunity for you to "try out" the position, your employer is likely sizing you up for the role as well. The single best way to make sure you are considered a candidate for permanent employment is to exceed your boss' expectations in your current assignment. In today's competitive labor market, becoming a star employee may even result in the organization creating a position for you if one is not currently available.

Take advantage of your inside contacts. If you've done a good job at building your credibility and proving your worth to colleagues and superiors, they can help serve as references and stepping stones to a permanent position within the organization.

Don't get complacent. Even though you're considered an "insider," it is still important to approach the interview and hiring process seriously. Make sure you convey why you're a good fit for the position, and the benefits of hiring you, such as your existing knowledge of the company.

These are some great tips for anyone right now that is in some kind of temporary position and wants to make it permanent. There are plenty of news stories out there right now that talk about how bad things are, so it is important to take advantage of all the help you can get. Even if it is as simple as smiling or showing more confidence, because you never know what might happen.

So Portland, let us know what your advice is on making your temp job permanent. Please feel free to leave comments in the section below.

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